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Here you find our popular configurations, which are combinations of
components destined for certain applications. Have a look at our
favorites, like Pot Still, Dash™, Crystal Dragon™, Aroma Baskets &
Filter Kits, and many more.

Configurations There are no products in this category.


  • Crystal Dragons™

    Here you find our most popular Crystal Dragon™
    sample configurations in various sizes and
    models. With clear 360° insight a real
    eye-catcher for your distillery!

  • Dash™ Columns

    Here you find our most popular sample configurations
    for Dash™ columns in various sizes and models. With
    stainless steel look and sight glasses a real
    eye-catcher for your distillery!

  • Pot Stills

    Here you find our simple pot still sample
    configurations for getting started at a
    bargain. Easily expandable and reusable
    when upgrading to a reflux column.

  • Torpedos

    Here you find our most popular sample configurations
    for Torpedo bubble sections, which allow the use of
    bubble plates larger than the column diameter.

  • Aromatization Filtration

    Here you find our popular configurations for
    aromatization and filtration, which are
    combinations of components destined for these
    applications, like Aroma Baskets & Filter Kits.

  • Miscellaneous

    Here you find more configurations,
    which do not clearly fit into
    other categories.